It is a remodeled 1988 Bluewater coastal cruiser with two live aboard heads. the re design was done bya 25 year experianced award winner designer she has re designed it to incorperate l.e.d lights a sterio system that has speaker on the upper deck as well as a stainless steel water holding tank on the upper deck it has an upgraded charging system.
It comes with a BTG 9 KW marine gasoline generator it produces 120/240 volts of power which allows for more accories to be used. It has 1045 8/10
the engine is a Rebuilt V6 crusader marine engine with 345 7/10 hours on it has been in freshwater most of its life there is no engine corrosion it has been matticulously maintaned. it has clean tittle and regestration it has been certified as a coast gaurd vessle.