gemini 30 catamaran sailboat
1987 pci gemini 30
this boat is been under restoration for the last 2 year this is a list of new items: Honda 30 hp for stroke 201, freezer 201, complete hea, electrical panel and batter, gas stov, new teka floo, diner and bed cushion, all running rig and travele, new line, gp, marine radi, cd playe, 2 mechanical water pum, 2 new 20 g water tan, 2 new 12g gas tan, bottom paint and new jaycoat on the hulls .the keels weresanding and repaint with epoxy .still some work to do on cosmeticbut it is a lot of boat for the moneylast year takeus 4 time to theBahamas and noproblems.